

Company Name and Address:
ky vision Satellitenempfangstechnik GmbH
Dorfstr. 3 – 8, D-38179 Schwülper

Office address: Gördelingerstr. 47, 38100 Braunschweig

phone: +49 (0) 531 230466-0
fax: +49 (0) 531 230466-25

No end customer support under this phone number!

Contact Internet:
Only for information and enquiries about the SVS website:
Bernd Isensee

Online Settlement of Disputes Pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here
We are not obliged or prepared to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Telephone Contact for End Customers:

End Customer Hotline: +49 (0)9001 759758 (0,35 €/min)*

* Please note that you cannot reach this number from the mobile phone network or abroad.

General Managers:
Andrej Ganski
Nicolas Carl
Sebastian Helms

Responsible person in terms of § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Frank Scheibe
Posadowskyanlagen 2
04317 Leipzig

Data Protection Officer:
If you have any questions about the collection, processing or use of your personal data, for information, correction, blocking or deletion of data as well as revocation of any consent given or objection to a particular use of data, please contact:

Svenja Ulrich
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 10
23617 Stockelsdorf

Company Data:
County Court: Hildesheim HRB 100143
Share Capital: 2.000.000,00 €
Value added Tax ID: DE 115 242 953
WEEE Reg. No.: DE 96 751 849
Packaging Ordinance (Dual System): D-59633-2008-0204
Packaging register: DE4848894361143
Tax number: 14/212/04069

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